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A strange, surreal side-scrolling game where you fight your way to the end of the dungeon.


Developed in June 2015

Hollow: Project

A solo project I worked on to experiment with GameMaker.


GameMaker was a nifty engine but it made a lot of minor things difficult to implement such as collisions. This was my first use of AI for a simple follow mechanic.


Game Concepts:​

The basic gameplay is to progress through the dungeon. Like most side-scrollers, your main objective to get to the end of the level while fighting monsters on the way. The game is pretty straightforward and does not have much story or progression.

The main difficulties was programming the collisions and AI movement within GameMaker. I used grid based A* Pathfinding for the enemies to track and move to the player.


Play the game at

Hollow: Bio


Christopher Phihung Huynh

Hollow: About
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